I’ll Be Back (Maybe)

Hello again after far too long a time. Just so this doesn't end up as one more blog petering out into nothingness, I've decided to write the last post on Dorky Dancing – for now. While this intro may sound dramatic, nothing terrible has happened. I'm still dancing four times a week, still improving, still … Continue reading I’ll Be Back (Maybe)

Stretching Sucks And I’ve Been Doing It Wrong

Admit it, it does. If you disagree, you're a) not an adult dance beginner, b) very lucky or c) both. For the record, I'm talking about stretching for the splits here. The light stretching you do to ease up DOMS or limber up is perfectly lovely. Training your body to bend in ways it doesn't … Continue reading Stretching Sucks And I’ve Been Doing It Wrong

Missed You!

ARGH I've missed blogging so much, you guys! I've been crazy busy in this past few weeks. A couple of minor health blerghs nonwithstanding, I've been dancing and training like crazy, got involved with a cool new volunteer project, set up and enacted a social media strategy at work, went to see a burlesque show, … Continue reading Missed You!